Frequently Asked Question

Information for IMO Bookshelf Users
Last Updated 8 months ago

From 1st July 2024 the IMO have withdrawn their IMO Bookshelf.

For their IMO books purchased from IMO directly, vessels have two options:

1. Vessels can just continue using Witherby Connect.

The advantage of doing so is that they don’t need to move to a yearly subscription option or need to manage their portfolio without the expertise of their Chart Agent.

When choosing this option, nothing changes: vessels have purchased a perpetual licence to eBooks and all titles are accessible from within Witherby Connect as they were previously.

New IMO titles will continue to be available as well, together with eBooks from Witherbys and all major industry bodies such as: ICS, OCIMF, SIGTTO, BIMCO, CDI, IMarEST etc.
The latest errata, corrigenda and supplements will be provided in the usual manner.

Contact your Chart Agent to purchase these new eBooks.

2. Vessels can choose instead to move to the new IMO ePublications system that only contains IMO books.

This is a new offering that is starting on 1st July and Witherbys has not been in any way involved in this new system. We are unable to provide support for the new IMO ePublications platform as it is not our product.
Please contact for all IMO ePublications platform enquiries.

If you have any further questions, please contact your Chart Agent or raise a ticket.

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